Recruit Online
On-Demand Course to Building the Foundation of an Online Recruitment Team for Colleges and Universities
With the economic changes globally and more dangers with travel for recruitment, this is the perfect opportunity to consider another option that will bring teams together, build community spirit on and off campus, and assist in recruiting more students to your school for their studies.
Having worked in three different marketing areas in a university and being part of the transition from college to university status, I experienced common challenges throughout the campus. Recruitment teams were trying to do their part, to the best of their ability, time, and staff, to bring in new students from within their country and recruit from overseas. What if there was an easier and more efficient way? I will show you how to build a campus-wide, nation-wide, and global Online Recruitment Team that would support campus and international recruitment in their efforts, and let them focus on what they do best…recruit.
Sherri King
In this training program you'll learn how to build the foundation of your online recruitment team and marketing strategy. We will cover topics such as brand consistency, team structure, online etiquette and expectations, workflow, CRM system, sales funnel, defining your goals, creating content, and measuring your success.
What you'll learn in this program
Reasons Why You Need an Online Recruitment Team
My Story - Sherri King
Online Recruitment Team Handbook
Functions of Your Online Recruitment Team
Support Marketing Efforts
Support Recruitment Efforts
Support Faculty and Schools
Support Events on Campus
Support Satellite Campuses
Create Community with Alumni and Distance Students
Manage Online Profiles
Kindergarten to Grade 12 Mentorship
Social Media Responsibilities of Your Online Recruitment Team
Brand Consistency
Brand Consistency — Social Media Identities
Best Practices Setting Up Social Media Channels
Facebook — Profile vs Group vs Page
Facebook — Setting Up Your Facebook Page, Things to Collect
Chapter Recap
Social Media Graphics Cheat Sheet 2017
VSCO and A Color Story
Workflow of Your Online Recruitment Team
Workflow Scenarios
Team Structure
CRM Systems
CRM Checklist Excel Spreadsheet
Sales Funnel
ROI - Measuring Your Success
Defining Your Goals
Code of Conduct
Ambassadors Code of Conduct
Best Practices
Creating Content
Creating Content - Building Follower Count
Creating Content - Your Assignment
Case Studies — Share in the Recruit Online Facebook Group
Case Studies
Register now and start recruiting online!